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NOT CBD: Why Onda's Whole Flower Hemp Oil is Superior

NOT CBD: Why Onda's Whole Flower Hemp Oil is Superior

Posted by Erin Willis on Jun 7th 2023

Onda whole flower hemp oil (a.k.a Onda oil) offers distinct advantages over CBD isolates and extracts that use methods like butane or CO2. Here are the four key reasons Onda oil is superior, alongside real-time customer testimonials and lab-test results!1. A Nutrient-Induced Entourage Effect:Onda oil contains an extensive spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxi …
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What is CBD and How Does It Work on the Body?

What is CBD and How Does It Work on the Body?

Posted by Erin Willis on Jan 12th 2022

Discovered more than 80 years ago, CBD is a chemical component only found in the cannabis plant. Out of more than 100 phytocannabinoids discovered, CBD has a significantly broader range of pharmacological activity than any other phytocannabinoid. It's in this context, along with the endocannabinoid system's extensive range of functions anchored by CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the body, that ex …
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